Saturday, December 13, 2008


The text readings were quite interesting if were read by mistake.

The presentations of the text were as well sometimes good. The groups were streching a simple arguement, just for the sake of speaking it as they knew it.

There should have been less amount of data and lesser number of slides. A concise summary in 10-15 lines should have been told about each chapter that could have been very easier for us to pay attention to and memorize.

The Great Persuader Presentations went well, but there should have been more questions raised by the audience in it and the input from group members in terms of putting in their own skills was lacking.

The evaluation of of the best group based on voting and all groups voting for themselves and a win by a margin of single vote, didnt sound as an example of pragmatism.

Besides the classroom tasks given were quite interesting and innovative. First lecture out of the two has always been a real pleasure to attend. In second one, to maintain the momentum input from the instructor should have been there during the presentations, that well came during the later part of the course.

On the whole, class participation, group tasks, audio recording, interview preparation (kind of silent persuasion to the employer to take you), blogging all have done value addition and have been a great fun.

I put my sincerest thanks to the instructor for making this course such an interesting journey to sail through.

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